
Individual Tickets

Includes pre-dinner reception, dinner and awards presentations.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Table for 10 People

Includes pre-dinner reception, dinner and awards presentations. Organizations that reserve a Table of 10 will have an additional 30 seconds for their on-stage acceptance speech (1 minute total).

(+ $0.00 fee)

Sponsored Table for 10 People

Reservation Deadline: March 24. Includes pre-dinner reception, dinner and awards presentations. Organizations that reserve a Sponsored Table of 10 will have an additional 30 seconds for their on-stage acceptance speech (1 minute total) as well as the advertising benefits listed above.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Full-Page Ad in Banquet Program Book

The program will be distributed to all attendees of the awards dinner and to an additional 15,000 executives over the next year as a PDF download from the awards website.

Reservation Deadline: March 24
Materials Deadline: March 25
Ad Specs: 7" wide x 10" tall with no bleeds, in full color. More details will be emailed.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Literature Drop

Distribute literature about your organization to the attendees of the awards banquet. You may provide a flyer or a small brochure to be distributed to all organizations at the awards gala.

Reservation Deadline: March 24

(+ $0.00 fee)

Full-Page Ad in Banquet Program AND Literature Drop

Save $100 - purchase a full-page ad and a literature drop for a discounted rate.

Reservation Deadline: March 24

(+ $0.00 fee)
Total: $0.00

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software